Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Exciting New Covers and Special Spring Pricing

The wonderful thing about ebooks is the ability to quickly fix problems. A kind reader suggests an overlooked typo, a idiomatic phrase is correctly adjusted, and spell check is spell checked. A quick revision and the text is reposted on Amazon and Smashwords (it's a little more complicated, but you get my drift). This wonderful thing also allows the change out of covers. That's what I'm in the middle of.

I am "recovering" the first two Sharon O'Mara Chronicles (see existing covers, right column, Containers 4 Death and Land Swap 4 Death). After a couple of years and reader feedback I now believe that they need a boost. I also have tried to interlock the three book's appearances so there is a common graphic signature between them. I also wanted the text to be more in line with current thriller/mystery covers. And yes, there are genre font types - just look at the romance covers, thriller covers, and "big book novel" covers. You will see trends and looks - it's no different than changes in fashion and car styles.

So here they are, please comment. I would like to hear your thoughts.

Book 1

Book 2



 Until June 21, I am repricing all my ebooks at $0 .99. 
That's right! For this very limited time you can enjoy the trials and travels of Sharon and her cop friend Kevin, as they fight crime in the Bay Area of San Francisco. See her vanquish oversexed environmentalists, shady developers, Chinese Tongs and Mexican cartels. Follow her back in time to help recover billions in stolen Nazi gold and return an unknown Toulouse-Lautrec painting. 
It's all here. 
Chills, thrills, intrigue and a hot chick with a gun. 

Click the Titles to go to Smashwords:

For Amazon ebooks:

is also $0.99

"Guns and handbags, all the things you need 
to start a war."

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